FlakAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotIncoming damage from explosions is reduced by 10%
CoverAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotIncoming suppression is reduced by 25%
Quick RegenAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotDecrease time before out of combat heal by 20%
Quick UnspotAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotDecrease length of time you are spotted by 2 seconds
Bayonet TrainingAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotBayonet charge lasts 1 second longer and recovers 1 second quicker
Hasty RetreatAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotIncrease maximum sprint speed whilst suppressed by 10%
InconspicuousAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotWhen stationary or moving slowly you are invisible to Spot Flares
PrivateerAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotSwim 25% faster with your melee weapon in hand
AwarenessAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotEnemies spotted by you remain spotted for 25% longer
SlinkAssault, Medic, Support, Scout, Tanker, PilotThe sound of your footsteps is reduced
ReaperAssault, Medic, Support, ScoutDeath comes for us all; quicker for some than others (Lose 1 health per second; performing a kill stalls the poison for 10 seconds)
PeacockAssault, Medic, Support, ScoutYou see yourself as the hero and want everyone to know it (Once you are spotted, you remain spotted until death)
ParanoiaAssault, Medic, Support, ScoutAfter seeing the effects of has firsthand you never want to experience it for yourself (You cannot remove your gas mask)
Death TollAssault, Medic, Support, ScoutLife is precious; don't throw it away (Each death deducts 200 points from your round score)
ScavengerAssault, Medic, Support, ScoutYou seem to always run out of ammo and must loot the battlefield for more (You only carry one magazine per weapon)
JuggernautAssaultYour Gas Mask also reduces explosive damage by 20% (Does Stack)
Controlled DemolitionAssaultYour Dynamite will now detonate sequentially
PilfererAssaultVictims of melee kills drop helpful items relating to their kit
Concealed RescueMedicSpotting a downed squad mate will drop smoke to cover their revival (40s cooldown)
Stimulant SyringeMedicAfter reviving an ally you both gain a 20% boost in sprint speed for 8 seconds (Does not stack)
ReciprocityMedicHealing an ally heals you for 12.5 HP
UnbreakableSupportIncoming suppression is reduced by 75% when your bipod is deployed
Pin DownSupportOutgoing suppression is increased by 50% and fully suppressing an enemy with your LMG will spot them
PerseveranceSupportHolding the Repair Tool increases walking speed by 25% (sprint speed unaffected) and reduces explosive damage by 20%
ScapegoatScoutA decoy is automatically deployed when struck below 45 health by a distand enemy (30s cooldown)
Perimeter AlarmScoutEnemies within 10m of your triggered Trip Mines are spotted
RippleScoutAfter headshotting an enemy with your Single-Action Rifle, the next enemy you spot will be highlighted
Critical CoverTankerAutomatically deploy smoke when your Tank is disabled
ConvoyTankerSelf-repairing as driver also repairs nearby vehicles
Safe BailPilotPlayers exiting your airplane will be accompanied by a Spotting Flare
Cloud CoverPilotDecrease length of time you are spotted by 50% in Airplanes